What is a sole trader? The essential guide to going it alone - Людмила Колодник
Про “Sole Trader” розповіла юрист, керівник Центру правничої лінгвістики Вищої школи адвокатури НААУ, викладач спеціалізованого курсу «Юридична англійська» — «Legal English» з особисто розробленими програмами навчання — Contract Law, Company Law, Legal Writing Людмила Колодник під час заходу з підвищення кваліфікації адвокатів, що відбувся у Вищій школі адвокатури НААУ.
Матеріали заходів

Лекторка докладно проаналізувала разом з учасниками “SoleTrader”, а саме:

  • 1. Обговорення англійського юридичного терміна “Sole Trader” за правом Англії та Уельсу та США.
  • 2. Переваги та недоліки здійснення підприємницької діяльності як “Sole Trader”. Управління та податкова звітність. Страхування.
  • 3. Обговорення питання цивільно-правової відповідальності, яка застосовується до “Sole Trader”. Субсидіарна відповідальність.
  • 4. Приклади судових справ англо-американської правової системи за темою заходу.

У рамках характеристики положень про “SoleTrader”, акцентовано на наступному:

1. Обговорення англійського юридичного терміна “Sole Trader” за правом Англії та Уельсу та США

About Sole Traders:

  • Sole trader is owned, controlled and managed by one individual;
  • Sole traders are personally liable for the debts of the business and have unlimited liability;
  • Sole traders are not subject to numerous administrative or statutory requirements;
  • Sole traders can start trading immediately and do not need to register as a business.

Sole proprietor (the USA) – A person who is the single owner of a particular business. Ex. “John Smith became the sole proprietor and there has been a family connection through his descendants ever since.”

Sole trader (the UK) – It is someone who runs a business as an individual with no other partners. Ex. “He started as a sole trader, operating on a very small scale.”

Sole practitioner (the UK) – It is a professional who works independently and not in a partnership with other professionals. Ex. “Profitsper partner average at about £46,000 for solepractitioners and £75,000 for firms of between two and four partners.”

2. Переваги та недоліки здійснення підприємницької діяльності як “SoleTrader”. Управління та податкова звітність. Страхування

10 Sole Trader Advantages

  • 1. Complete Control and Greater Flexibility
  • 2. Easy Set-up
  • 3. Low Registration and Start-up Costs
  • 4. Lower Accounting Fees
  • 5. Greater Privacy
  • 6. No Sharing of Profits (although so is any debt)
  • 7. Less Paperwork
  • 8. Simplified Taxes
  • 9. Organizational Flexibility
  • 10. Direct Interaction with Customers


  • Public liability insurance – Insurance that covers the cost of legal action and compensation claims made against a business if a third party suffers an injury or damage to his or her property.
  • Professional indemnity insurance – Insurance which protects individuals from bearing the cost of a professional negligence claim made by a client.
  • Employer’s liability insurance – Insurance that will pay out if an employee becomes ill as a result of his or her work or is injured at work.

3. Обговорення питання цивільно-правової відповідальності, яка застосовується до “SoleTrader”. Субсидіарна відповідальність


  • In the US it is legally correct to say that a company was unable to pay its debts and was eventually “declared bankrupt.”
  • However in the UK the term “bankrupt” is reserved strictly for individuals.
  • Companies that are unable to pay their debts are legally referred to as “insolvent.

Vicarious liability – Legal responsibility for the consequences of the harmful actions of someone else.

An unincorporated business – A business that does not have a separate legal personality from the people who own and run it.

A trustee in bankruptcy – A person who takes responsibility for the financial affairs of someone who is bankrupt and where possible pays that person’s creditors.

4. Приклади судових справ англо-американської правової системи за темою заходу

Asprey & Garrard Ltd v WRA (Guns) Ltd In (2001) the claimants were a well-known and established trader in luxury goods in London. The defendants traded in the same line of business, also in London, under the business name of William R. Asprey Esq. William Asprey, who was formerly employed by the claimants, effectively controlled the defendant company. The High Court granted an injunction against passing off and infringement of the claimants’ trade mark. The court dismissed the defense of own name on the grounds that it is anyway an exception to the passing off rules and must not as in this case cause deception. Although the problems in the above case arose from the use of a business name, the same principles would apply if the defendant business had been run in the name of Asprey as a sole trader, partnership or company name.

Legal Reasoning Own Name’ Defense: The defense allows individuals to trade under their own names, provided it does not cause confusionwith existing trademarks. The court found that the Defendants exceeded this boundary by leveraging the “Asprey” name in a way that misled consumers and capitalized on the Claimant’s established brand.


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