Картки Центру правничої лінгвістики на тему: «Attorney»
Людмила Колодник, юрист, керівник Центру правничої лінгвістики Вищої школи адвокатури НААУ, викладач спеціалізованого курсу «Юридична англійська» — «Legal English»
Публікації лекторів

Пропонуємо до Вашої уваги картки керівниці Центру правничої лінгвістики ВША НААУ Людмили Колодник, які надають визначення та роз’яснення поняття «Attorney».


In the UK, an attorney is an agent or representative authorized to act on someone else’s behalf such as an “attorney-in-fact”, or someone with a “power of attorney”. In the US, however, an attorney is an attorney-at-law, a lawyer. The UK equivalent would be a barrister or a solicitor, depending on the actual profession.

Attorney General

In the UK (the Advocate General in Scotland) an attorney general is one of the Law Officers, a Member of Parliament, who prosecutes for the Crown in certain cases, advises government departments on legal problems and decides if major criminal offences should be tried. The attorney general is politically appointed and changes when the government changes.

In the US, the attorney general has the same function as in the UK but there is one federal attorney general and one attorney general for each state. The federal attorney general is appointed by the President of the US and confirmed by the US Senate. The individual state’s attorney general is either appointed by the governor or elected by the people of the given state.